Thursday, May 9, 2013

Register for Unspoken Conference 2013

The Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees Presents:
UNSPOKEN is the essence and experience of our commitment to our core values of community, education, and dignity. Unspoken is an annual human rights forum that combines film, art, music, and a conference into one festival. Held in the Utica, NY area in October of each year, this multi-faceted forum gives voice to upholding human rights for our world with global to local perspectives. 

2013 Conference - Track One:
Restoring Dignity-Healing from Trauma and Torture 
Wednesday, October 16, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - SUNY IT
(cont.) Thursday, October 17, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, the Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture, and the Florida Center for Survivors of Torture will join Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees and our community for a training on working with survivors of torture and severe trauma. We are one of two communities who will be trained nationally in 2013. Studies indicate that an estimated one in five refugees entering the United States is a survivor of torture. The discussions will include the nature and prevalence of torture, as well as the most effective and promising practices used when working with survivors. Professionals working with refugees, asylees, other immigrants, human trafficking, and other survivors of trauma will find this training informative and helpful. 

2013 Conference - Track Two:
Literacy - Transforming Lives Forever
Thursday, October 17, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.- SUNY IT

This Literacy Conference is being held in collaboration with the Literacy Coalition of Herkimer & Oneida Counties with engaging sessions bringing in top literacy presenters, scholars, thought leaders, government officials, and foundation leaders. Aspects of literacy explored will include: The Future of Funding, Early Childhood/Family Literacy, K-12 Literacy, Adult and Work Place Literacy, Health Literacy, Financial Literacy, and Cultural Literacy. This conference will be of great interest to educators, librarians, social service agencies, public officials, business leaders, literacy organizations, university faculty/students and anyone with an interest in literacy.

Unspoken Conference 2013
Wednesday October 16, 2013 
Thursday October 17, 2013 

Student Center Building
100 Seymour Road. 
Utica, NY 13502

Hotel Services
Group rate discounts are available until September 1 at Radisson Hotel - Utica Centre 200 Genesee St. 
Utica, NY 13501 - US

Booking by phone: +1 (315) 797-8010
Ask for the MV Resource Center for Refugees' Block

Booking online: Code MVRCR 

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