Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The goal of this free, three-session workshop is to assist nonprofits with emerging and evolving boards to maximize their knowledge and potential. This workshop, led by Maria Fibiger of Three Dog Consulting, offers powerful information in an atmosphere of mutual learning.  Each session will focus on specific areas: Board Member Roles & Responsibilities / Effective Committees; Recruiting a Strong Board / Community Ambassadors; and Building Organizational Capacity via Board Diversity. Because the series is designed using group learning practices it is important that all three workshops be attended. The sessions will be held on October 15, 30 and November 13 from 4:30 to 7:00 pm at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. The nonprofit leader and at least one board member should attend; each organization may bring up to three people. Light snacks will be provided. There is a limit of 50 participants. To reserve a spot call Kim at the Gifford Foundation at 474-2489 or by email at

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Impacts of the Health Law for New Yorkers

Many of you have questions about health care reform in New York and what its implications are for both you and your clients. Here is an article that clearly explains some of the main questions people are asking. These answers come from James Knickman, a knowledgeable and reputable source, who is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth), a private, statewide foundation dedicated to improving the health of all New Yorkers.