Monday, February 25, 2013

Broker News

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Tax Update
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Tax, also known as the Comparative Effectiveness Research Fee, is a fee paid to the government to fund Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) research. One of the main goals of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is to foster a healthier population through improvements to the health care system.
W-2 Reporting Requirement for Employers Update
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) contains a requirement for employers to report the cost of health coverage under an employer sponsored group health plan on an employees' W-2 form. The cost includes both the cost paid by the employer and contributions from the employee.
Did You Know...You Can Get Dedicated Client Consulting Through the New Blue Honors Program?
If your agency qualifies for the Blue Honors program, you will be eligible to utilize Excellus BlueCross BlueShield's Information Connection. Information Connection is an online tool that allows brokers to pull specific information, whether it be by book of business or individual groups.
Creditable Drug Coverage and Medicare Part D – What It Means to Employer Groups
Creditable coverage is non-Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage that is at least as good as (i.e., pays, on average, as much as or more than) standard Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. When a person becomes eligible for Medicare Part D, they must maintain creditable drug coverage, and not have a break in coverage for 63 or more days.
Excellus BCBS Awards Hospitals $26 Million for Quality Improvements
Fifty-four upstate New York hospitals and health centers last year earned $26 million in quality improvement incentive payments from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield as part of their Hospital Performance Incentive Program (HPIP). In the past nine years, quality performance incentives from Excellus BCBS have exceeded $145 million.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Build Healthier Communities – Learn More About Our Service to the Community
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Build Healthier Communities - 2012 Annual Report of Caring tells how we collaborate with other nonprofits, providers and government and civic agencies to make a difference where we work and live.

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