Monday, January 3, 2011


Sponsored by M&T Bank

BizEventz announces:

Nomination Deadline: Thursday, February 10, 5:00 p.m.
Our goal is to identify those professionals, board members, and volunteers who best exemplify the categories listed below. Please select one category before completing this nomination form. In the event that your candidate qualifies for more than one category, please make each entry separately.

• Executive of the Year
• Board Leadership
• Board Development
• Impact Award
• Career Achievement

Executive of the Year
Submit nominations for nonprofit executives (president, CEO, executive director) who exhibit leadership, planning skills, strong staff growth, board development, solid fiscal management, and increased fund-raising.

Board Leadership
Nominee is a lay leader of the board of directors. He/she may be a present or past president of the board, long-term board member, and/or major contributor. Cite how the nominee strengthened the organization, implemented the corporate mission or vision, and enhanced the strategic plan.

Board Development
Nominee is a lay leader of the board of directors, who “grew” the organization through fund-raising or through dynamic ideas, which improved operations. Nominee’s efforts enhanced the board through a higher level of participation.

Impact Award
Nominee may be an employee of the NPO, a board member, or a volunteer, who created and/or implemented a new or existing program that not only changed the organization but also the community.

Career Achievement
Nominee is a lay leader who makes a lifetime commitment to the community by advocating for NPOs and by dedicating his/her time and resources for the betterment of the commonweal.
A panel of judges will review nomination finalists for each category. The winners will be announced at the NonProfit Awards Luncheon on March 28, 2011. Judges are not liable for the honorees chosen.
If your applicant becomes a finalist:
• You (the nominator) will be notified within two weeks of the nomination deadline.
• All finalists will be special guests of BizEventz and our sponsors at the NonProfit Awards Luncheon.
• All finalists will be listed on the BizEventz Web site.
• Your honoree will be recognized at the event and presented with an award.
• Your honoree will be publicized in The Business Journal and in ads promoting the event.
If your applicant is not chosen:

The nominator (you) will be notified within two to three weeks after the nomination deadline. If the nominator would like BizEventz to notify the person on the nomination form, BizEventz will do this per request, via a letter.

Step 1 - Nominate
Nominee Category:
 Executive of the Year
 Board Leadership
 Board Development
 Impact Award
 Career Achievement
First Name:
Last Name:
Nonprofit Organization (NPO):
Description of NPO:

Nominee’s years Of Service:
Current Position:
Organization Street:
City: State: NY Zip:
Nominee’s Place of Employment:

Step 2 – Nominator information:
Nominator name (required if other than self):

City: State: NY Zip:
Affiliation with NPO, if any:

Step 3 - Written Qualifications:
Attach a separate sheet with information (300 words max) detailing the qualifications you feel are relevant for the specific award you are nominating your candidate for. Consider how this candidate has made a positive contribution to the NPO and how he or she has demonstrated outstanding leadership skills within this organization. Provide a resume or other document that details nominee’s career history and significant achievements.

Thank you very much for taking the time to submit a candidate for the 2011 NonProfit Awards. We appreciate your time and effort on behalf of your nominee and this worthy program.


Marny Nesher
Event Manager

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