Monday, December 19, 2011
2012 brings new focus for 40 Below
They've never before put on a big concert, so the New Year's Eve party featuring Joe Driscoll at the Landmark Theatre represents a bold new splash for 40 Below, the seven-year-old Syracuse young professionals group.
That's not all that's new: Leaders say the organization will seek a permanent downtown presence in 2012, while charting a slightly altered course, based on the recognition that hard times have withered its demographic base.
"Six months ago, we saw 40 percent unemployment with young professionals in this community," said Benjamin M. Sio, manager at 40 Below. "We have all these students that are graduating from colleges and the universities in this area, but they're not staying here as much as they could be. .. Supporting them has become a main focus."
Formed in late 2004 after a high-profile summit attracted 600 people to the Oncenter, the nonprofit group has sought to stop or slow the exodus of young professionals from Central New York. It has a membership list of 3,000 but an active base of a few hundred volunteers, who work on projects ranging from building restorations to public art.
Next year, organizers hope to open a "co-working space" somewhere downtown. The space, a concept modeled in other cities, would host group functions and serve as a shared office location for members.
"We're gearing it as a place where individuals and professionals can come," said R.J. Sherman, a member of the location search committee. "If they don't have an office downtown, they can use it to meet with a customer or a client. We're looking to partition it, but also keep more of a modular space, so 40 Below can hold events there."
Sherman said the group has narrowed its search to a few places, based on the usual concerns: Location and expense. The group believes it has something else to bring a landlord.
"We're looking for a low-cost or no-cost kind of lease agreement, in exchange for bettering that space for the building owners and offering something for the community," said Ashlyn Maguire, a fellow committee member.
Since its launch, 40 Below has seen a relatively constant turnover of members, a situation described by its leadership as a natural consequence of the people it seeks to tap. By nature, young professionals are less settled and more prone to move between cities. The goal is to grow the Syracuse community and thus spur more young professionals to establish roots.
"People often first get involved as singles," Sio said. "They get married, they have kids, and they're not able to give 20 hours a week of volunteer time, as they did in the past. We're experienced in having people pass through. That's part of the organization. That's part of the nature of our leadership."
He said the Syracuse group, during its seven years, has run about 75 steering committees on various projects, and hosts a monthly series of speed networking sessions and speakers. The group receives grant money from CNY Works, a local nonprofit, which draws federal funds.
Sio said there is no age requirement for membership: Anyone can join -- even if 40 or above.
"We don't have a 'graduation,'" he said, with a smile.
Still, 2012 will have a commencement of sorts: The first-annual New Year's Eve BeLOW OUT party. Headlining will be Driscoll, a Syracuse native whose beatbox rap has gained an international following. A full house at the Landmark could generate $20,000 to $40,000 for the nonprofit, a huge boost to plans.
"We're really excited about it," Sio said. "We're hoping for a great year."
Community Foundation Awards $506,837 in Community Grants
Boys & Girls Clubs of Syracuse, in partnership with the Salvation Army, received $54,104 to deploy research-based teen services focused on youth development and job readiness skills at two Club locations.
CenterState CEO received $20,000 to assist in the production of the Metropolitan Business Plan in collaboration with the Brookings Institution and regional partners. The plan will address economic development and community revitalization, including concerns of low employment growth, high poverty rates in the center city and low median household income in the area.
CONTACT Community Services received $30,000 to furnish and purchase technology for its new headquarters, which will provide safe, accessible and comfortable rooms conducive to effective training of people with diverse learning styles and physical needs.
CORA Foundation received $5,000 to support In our View: A Community Perspective, a project that will recruit residents of Syracuse’s Northside neighborhood to become documentary photographers and tell their stories, culminating in an exhibition at the ArtRage Gallery.
Everson Museum received $50,000 to provide a catalog of exhibitions, educational programs and equipment for TONY2012, a community-wide biennial exhibition featuring local artists and partners.
Jewish Home of Central New York received $13,000 to implement the Project upBEAT program to build teamwork and lower stress among long-term caregivers. This grant was funded by the Carriage House Foundation Fund.
Madison Hall Association in Morrisville received $20,000 to enhance access to the building for special events and group gatherings. A number of improvements will be made, including a new staircase, lighting, and the installation of signage at the rear entrance.
Most Holy Rosary School received $2,673 to enhance its literacy program with the purchase of a leveled literacy intervention kit for third graders.
Oneida Community Mansion House received $20,000 for the restoration and painting of the building’s exterior. These improvements will prevent further deterioration, water leakage and damage to the interior of the building.
Open Hand Theater received $11,000 to partner with area communities and artists to design puppets and performances that showcase diversity.
PEACE, Inc. received $40,000 to conduct structural renovations on the DeFrancisco Eastwood Community Center, which houses senior services and other programs.
Prevention Network received $19,200 to expand its underage drinking prevention programming with the implementation of Honor the Code, aimed to reduce alcohol and drug use among high school athletes by offering public awareness, education and recognition about how important it is to follow their codes of conduct.
Syracuse City School District Adult Education received $40,000 to enhance the Points of Entry project by providing innovative supports and incentives that assist newly released justice center inmates with the transition to continuing education and vocational training.
Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School received $25,000 to upgrade the biology laboratory room which will help students in grades 8-12 expand their knowledge in zoology and environmental science. The space is also used for science and math fairs, Olympiads and other STEM competitions.
Syracuse Children’s Chorus received $15,000 in support of its Visions for Peace Spring Concert. The event is being designed in collaboration with Imagine Syracuse’s Young Musicians Project, and will bring together a diverse group of peers around the subject of peace.
Syracuse Stage received $34,900 to support the Arts Emerging education program, which will provide free tickets to the award-winning musical Caroline, or Change. Students will work with local musicians and artists to explore the impact of music on their cultural identity.
The Salvation Army received $31,710 to develop an effective anti-gang strategy for the Syracuse area on behalf of the Community Intervention Committee, which is a subcommittee of Department of Justice’s Project Safe Neighborhoods and New York State’s Operation Impact Task Force. The collaborative project will include primary data collection, community perception research and the pooling of community resources.
Toomey Residential received $10,500 to renovate a bathroom in the Allen Street Agency Boarding Home, a youth foster care home accommodating teenage boys who have been separated from their families and community due to mental health or emotional difficulties.
Visions for Change received $45,000 to assist families in creating their own personal paths out of poverty by expanding the Circles program. The addition of a Circles Coach will assist more individuals in gaining financial stability by learning to take leadership roles in their lives and in their community.
YMCA of Greater Syracuse received $10,000 to expand the Downtown Writer’s Center programming, which provides new and established writers with the opportunity to take workshops, meet peers and encounter new writing on a regular basis.
YWCA Syracuse & Onondaga County received $9,750 to expand to an integrated online development and client tracking database. The database will be made available to other nonprofits in the community who are seeking to increase diversity on their boards.
The Central New York Community Foundation has served Central New York for 85 years, receiving, managing and distributing charitable funds for the benefit of nonprofit organizations. Grants are awarded for programs in the areas of human services, arts and culture, education, environment, health, economic development and civic affairs. The region’s largest endowed philanthropic foundation, the Central New York Community Foundation awards more than $5 million in grants to nonprofit organizations annually. The Community Foundation, of 431 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202, can be reached at (315) 422-9538 or
Monday, December 12, 2011
Central New York lands $103.7 million in state economic development money
Rob Simpson, president of CenterState CEO and co-chair of the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council, said he was “thrilled” with the announcement. Members of the council have been meeting since July hammering out a list of projects that they thought could best improve the region that includes Onondaga, Oswego, Cayuga, Madison and Cortland counties.
The council’s plan included 30 projects and requests for $40 million in state funding. The state delivered $63.7 million more, including $14 million to renovate apartments in Lysander.
The extra millions came as a surprise. Council members had heard there was more money available from other state sources, but didn’t know the other projects were going to be included Thursday, said Syracuse University Chancellor Nancy Cantor, co-chair of the CNYREDC.
The announcement came at an Albany ceremony capping a process Gov. Andrew Cuomo laid out earlier this year.
The state was divided into 10 regions with an economic development council for each. The councils reviewed projects and chose which to include in a plan. The separate regional plans were presented last month to a state committee that chose four as “best plan awardees.”
The North Country, Western New York and Long Island were chosen, along with Central New York, as the best.
Cuomo had said each of the winners would get $40 million while the remaining six regions would split $40 million between them.
Financial news host Maria Bartiromo, emcee for Thursday’s event, introduced videos for each region, then announced that each had been awarded millions in grants, far more than the $200 million Cuomo had talked of. In all, awards of $785 million were announced.
The money came from the $200 million in targeted regional money and from an additional $800 million in money for which companies, housing authorities, non-profits and others had filed state consolidated funding applications.
Good as the news was for Central New York, it appeared that not every project chosen by the local council received state funding. Five projects — including those that would have renovated the Abbott House in Aurora and assisted in expansions at Dupli Envelope and Graphics, Ephesus Technologies, Champlain Valley Specialty Food and Healthway Home Products — did not make the final list.
The Central New York Regional Economic Development Council's largest single money request is for more than $5 million to complete work at the CNY Biotechnology Research Center at the former Kennedy Square apartments.
“If the project is not on there, it means it isn’t funded,” said Austin Shafran, spokesman for Empire State Development. Shafran said regional technical factors could keep a project from getting funding, even it was part of a winning plan.
One factor was how quickly the project would yield new jobs. “We’re ready to create jobs in the short term, for the long term,” he said.
Among the projects that were backed by the regional council and did land funding were:
•3 million for work to the Syracuse’s Inner Harbor.
•$3 million to equip space at the Syracuse Center of Excellence.
•$1.95 million to continue work at the Central New York Biotechnology Research Center and the nearby land.
•$150,000 to build a demonstration greenhouse in Madison County.
•$994,000 to help expand a winery in Cazenovia.
•More than $4 million in support for a dairy cooperative’s plan to build a plant in Cayuga County.
•$349,000 for expansion at the Fulton Companies in Oswego Counties.
Projects that had not been announced before included $14 million — the largest single award in Central New York — to renovate 208 apartments at Greenway in Radisson.
Greenway Apartments rents to people who make less than 80 percent of the area’s median income. Many tenants make less than 60 percent, said Arthur Loomis, a consultant for Liberty Affordable Housing, a Rome-based non-profit taking control of the facility.
“It’s shovel ready,” Loomis said. “The complex, while in good shape, is tired and needs updating. It’s going to be like a brand-new project.” Improvements include new siding, windows and sidewalks, as well as renovated kitchens and bathrooms, Loomis said. Much of the infrastructure hasn’t been updated since the complex was built in the mid-1970s, he said. The residents’ income doesn’t make it possible to renovate extensively without public help, he said.
Renovations to Centerville Court Apartments in North Syracuse won $3,349,255 in state support while efforts to buy and renovate James Street Apartments in Syracuse got $9 million.
In Cayuga County, some $400,000 was announced for the Howland Stone Store Museum in the hamlet of Sherwood. That money is to restore “Opendore,” once home to the Howland family.
In Madison County, the state added $75,000 to provide emergency repairs to the homes of low-income, elderly residents.
In Oswego County, Grassman Energy was awarded $716,500 toward its efforts to begin design and manufacturing of wind turbines of the sort that can be seen at Carousel Center and atop the State University College at Oswego.
Before the winners were announced, Cuomo explained that the regional approach was part of a two-part effort to create jobs in New York.
The first part, he said, was improving the state’s image by improving the reality for business. That meant removing obstacles to job creation.
The second was giving the state’s region more say over what sort of development should be encouraged. “There is no single New York economy,” he said. “You know your strengths; you know your niche.”
Cuomo was joined at the ceremony by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. The three said separately that they were so pleased with how the process worked that they had already agreed to fund a similar effort next year.
“Three minutes — I’ve never had as short a conversation to get anything done,” Cuomo said of the backstage discussion with Skelos and Silver.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Community Foundation Awards Sabbatical Grants
This year’s recipients are:
Kathleen Harter, Executive Director, Junior Achievement of Central New York. Kathleen will is the first recipient of the program’s two-week option and will attend a Women in the Woods program at The Sagamore in Raquette Lake, NY, and a professional development seminar, JA’s National Leadership Conference, at the Junior Achievement University.
“Participation in Junior Achievement’s National Leadership Conference will give JA of CNY new tools and information about the latest research in financial literacy skills and how best to deliver them to our students,” said Harter. “Working, as we do, to give children a bright future carries the weight of knowing how much there is to do and how much is at stake.”
Harter’s leadership has greatly benefited the Junior Achievement of CNY and allowed the organization to achieve its goals of increased students served, balance budgets with decreasing expenses, and new initiatives that serve the community. The organization has expanded its student service area from three to six counties in CNY.
“These accomplishments are good examples of the commitment and dedication Mrs. Harter has shown to Junior Achievement in the past eight years,” said Andrew Picco, Board Chair of Junior Achievement of Central New York. “We look forward to what she will accomplish in the future.”
Sally Roesch Wagner, Executive Director, Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation. Sally will take a Spirit Springs Retreat in Middletown, California and visit museums and exhibitions to gain ideas for the Gage Center.
“At the end of the month, the Board would like me to have for them a planning document outlining my vision for the staff and foundation based on my month’s reflection and learning,” Dr. Wagner said.
Wagner will visit the Skirball Museum, Getty Museum, and the Pacific Standard Time exhibitions.
“I extend my wholehearted support to the sabbatical of our Executive Director and Founder, Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner,” said Loretta Zolkowski, President of Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation Board of Directors. “Our future plans include official accrediting from the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, which will give our site international recognition and strongly enhance our tourism potential.”
The Marsellus Sabbatical program was created in 2000 to provide nonprofit executives with a unique opportunity for reflection, revitalization and growth. It was established in memory of the late John F. Marsellus, president and owner of the Syracuse-based Marsellus Casket Company for more than thirty years, to honor his commitment to enhancing the leadership capacity of nonprofit organizations in Central New York.
Applicants must have served in a management position of a nonprofit agency in Onondaga or Madison Counties for at least five consecutive years in order to qualify. Twenty three executives have participated in the program since its inception.
The Central New York Community Foundation has served Central New York for 85 years, receiving, managing and distributing charitable funds for the benefit of not-for-profit organizations. Grants are awarded for programs in the areas of human services, arts and culture, education, environment, health, economic development and civic affairs. The region’s largest endowed philanthropic foundation, the Central New York Community Foundation awards over $5 million in grants to not-for-profit organizations annually. The Community Foundation, of 431 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202, can be reached at (315) 422-9538 or
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Charting a Decade of Online Donations
November 23, 2011, 11:04 am
By Cody Switzer
Only 4 percent of donors had given online in 2001. This year, about 65 percent have given to charity through the Internet.
That’s one of the comparisons made in a new graphic from Network for Good, a fund-raising and volunteerism Web site that celebrates its 10th anniversary this month.
In 2001, the average donation through the site was $226. But this year the average gift is $73, a change that Network for Good interprets as a sign that online giving has “gone mainstream.”
Here’s the full graphic:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
NY comptroller says late checks hurt nonprofits
Nov. 15, 2011, 3:01 a.m. EST
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli says late contract approvals and payments by the state are hurting nonprofit providers and jeopardizing services.
DiNapoli says state agencies last year were on average six months late in approving nine out of 10 contracts valued at $50,000 or more, often after services were provided.
An analysis of the first half of 2011 shows nearly 90 percent of contracts approved by the comptroller were submitted late by state agencies.
DiNapoli says nonprofits operate on thin margins and provide basic services ranging from health care clinics to work programs, with 22,000 active grant contracts totaling $16.8 billion.
The nonprofit sector employed 1.25 million people statewide last year.
You can access the article by Clicking Here.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
HSLC November 4th Meeting
Friday, November 4, 2011
8:00 – 9:30 AM
United Way Building, Rosamond Gifford Conference Room, 518 James Street
Introductions and Announcements
Chair’s Update – Strategic Planning Next Steps…
Treasurer’s Update
Overview of New CNY Vitals Project – Frank Ridzi, CNY Community Foundation
CNY Vitals is a unique community indicators website developed by many partners dedicated to improving the quality of life for those who live and work in Central New York. The purpose of CNY Vitals is to provide timely, accurate data and information on the trends and issues facing Central New York’s residents. CNY Vitals will:
· Provide accurate, up to date data, benchmarks, trends and information across multiple indicator areas
· Activate diverse, multi-sector Indicator Teams
· Raise awareness of community assets, needs and challenges
· Inform citizens and leaders of community-wide plans, goals, and initiatives
· Build and support civic engagement, community partnerships and collaborative efforts
· Provide access points to other regional dashboards and plans
· Maximize our regional competitive edge and assist in creating shared goals
· Provide a mechanism for accountability for policy makers and the community
Update on Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s Leadership Committee on Nonprofit Revitalization – Peter Dunn, CNY Community Foundation
The task force is charged with presenting a series of recommendations to reduce the regulatory burdens and costs for nonprofits while strengthening accountability.
Thanks to Frank Lazarski for agreeing to take care of refreshments for this meeting. I look forward to seeing you!
Randi K. Bregman
Executive Director
Vera House, Inc.
6181 Thompson Road, Suite 100
Syracuse, New York 13206
(315) 425-0818 ex. 204
24 hour support lines
(315) 468-3260/ (315) 422-7273
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nonprofit Knowledge Matters | Protecting the Charitable Giving Incentive
Using Our Outside Voices in the House … and in the Senate
Nonprofits are not used to raising our voices. We teach others to use their “indoor voices,” and we mediate disputes so others won’t yell in anger. We heal the wounded, silently. We feed the hungry, quietly. At times we play loud music and paint loud colors on canvases. But you get the picture: we are not used to yelling.
Recently Tim Delaney, President and CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits, was in Georgia, Montana, and New York, encouraging nonprofits to raise their voices -- literally. In rooms filled with nonprofit leaders attending major conferences, he designated half the room the loud "Yes” crowd, and the other half the “Nos.” Tim then pointed to one side – “YES” came the refrain; then to the other side and louder “NOs” reverberated. After a few volleys, the friendly competition could be measured in deafening decibels. Tim then instructed the “Yes” side to remain silent – they weren’t allowed to use their voices. After a couple more volleys of loud “NOs” that were met with silence, Tim noted what policymakers hear: silence from the majority who are too busy and too unsure, versus resounding and unmatched “NOs” from the vocal opposition. Each time the “No!” voices boomed against the silence, members of the audience grasped the danger of remaining silent.
Silence is the nonprofit sector’s worst enemy. If nonprofits don’t raise our voices, we are powerless. Right now, it’s urgent that all nonprofits speak up.
The charitable giving incentive is at risk.
Congress is considering, on a tight timeline, how to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. Slashing the deficit by that much guarantees that every option to save money will be on the table, without much thought as to the consequences – unless the downside is abundantly clear. The National Council – and so far, more than 20 other national organizations and 2,800 community-based nonprofits across America – think it is abundantly clear that if the Supercommittee recommends elimination of the charitable giving incentive, then individuals and communities served by nonprofits will suffer.
Raise your voice now!
Sign on to the Nonprofit Community Letter to protect the charitable giving incentive.
See which nonprofits in your state have already signed on.
Learn more about the charitable giving incentive.
Spread the word! Tweet: The #charitable giving incentive that supports #nonprofits is at risk! Take action now to protect it. (via @NatlCouncilNPs) or #Nonprofits, tell the #supercommittee not to change the #charitable #giving incentive #takeaction (via @NatlCouncilNPs)
Advocacy by nonprofits is legal – and needed.
Join your State Association to keep informed about capacity building and policy issues that impact all nonprofits.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
October 25th Board Responsibilities: How Boards Add Value
Due to limited space, this session is open to executive directors and board members of nonprofit organizations. Ideally, executive directors and board chairs would attend together.
Gwen Webber-McLeod and Carol Love
Gwen Inc. Leadership Development Consulting
October 25, 2011
9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Cost: $30 per person
Central New York Philanthropy Center
431 East Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
You will learn about:
general board development
legal and fiscal responsibilities of boards
the board’s role in planning for the future
the relationship between the board and the CEO/ED
the board's role as an advisor and ambassador
strategies for developing and monitoring key result areas
Register Here
Monday, October 17, 2011
CNY Community Foundation Received 4-Star Rating
Charity Navigator helps charitable givers make sound decisions by providing information on over five thousand charities and evaluating the financial health of each of the charities. The goal is to provide donors with essential information needed to give them greater confidence in the charitable choices they make.
Charity Navigator uses financial information to analyze an organization’s performance in seven categories including organizational efficiency, organizational capacity, and overall financial health. The scores are than compared among organizations to assign a rating of one to four stars. Four stars, the highest rating, is defined as “Exceptional…Exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in its Cause.” Approximately one quarter of the charities that are evaluated receive a 4-star rating.
To find out more about the Community Foundation’s rating, visit:
The Central New York Community Foundation has served Central New York for over 80 years, receiving, managing and distributing charitable funds for the benefit of nonprofit organizations. Grants are awarded for programs in the areas of human services, arts and culture, education, environment, health, economic development and civic affairs. The region’s largest endowed philanthropic foundation, the Central New York Community Foundation awards more than $5 million in grants to nonprofit organizations annually. The Community Foundation, of 431 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202, can be reached at (315) 422-9538 or
New NLRB Poster Requirement - new effective date of the rule is Jan. 31, 2012.
Below is information about the new National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) required poster describing employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act.
The National Labor Relations Board has postponed the implementation date for its new notice-posting rule by more than two months. The new effective date of the rule is Jan. 31, 2012.
The Board’s jurisdiction extends to most small business owners. However, some very small employers whose annual volume of business is not large enough to have more than a slight effect on interstate commerce are exempted. In the case of retail businesses, including home construction, the Board’s jurisdiction covers any employer with a gross annual volume of business of $500,000 or more. The Board’s non-retail jurisdictional standard applies to most other employers. It is based on the amount of goods sold or services provided by the employer out of state (called “outflow”) or goods or services purchased by the employer from out of state (called “inflow”), even indirectly. Under this standard, the Board will take jurisdiction over an employer with an annual inflow or outflow of at least $50,000. See “Frequently Asked Question” Link below for more details about the Board’s jurisdiction standards.
A workplace poster that describes employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act is now available for free download from the NLRB website at
Private-sector employers within the NLRB’s jurisdiction will be required to display the poster where other workplace notices are posted. The National Labor Relations Board has postponed the implementation date for its new notice-posting rule by more than two months in order to allow for enhanced education and outreach to employers, particularly those who operate small and medium sized businesses. The new effective date of the rule is Jan. 31, 2012. The decision to extend the rollout period followed queries from businesses and trade organizations indicating uncertainty about which businesses fall under the Board’s jurisdiction, and was made in the interest of ensuring broad voluntary compliance. No other changes in the rule, or in the form or content of the notice, will be made. Employers who customarily post personnel rules or policies on an internet or intranet site must also provide a link to the rights poster from those sites. In addition, copies of the Notice will soon be available without charge from any NLRB regional office.
For further information about the posting, including a detailed discussion of which employers are covered by the NLRA, and what to do if a substantial share of the workplace speaks a language other than English, please see our Frequently Asked Questions. . For questions that do not appear on the list, or to arrange for an NLRB presentation on the rule, please contact the agency at or 866-667-NLRB.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Voluntary Compliance Program announced by IRS to address worker misclassification
Information for your members: You may have seen that in late September the IRS announced a voluntary compliance program for employers (including nonprofit employers) to enable those who have mistakenly classified workers as independent contractors to make a correction, along with a modest payment, and avoid the usual penalties of noncompliance. This program’s announcement offers an opportunity to remind nonprofits about the risk of misclassification and share information with them about the voluntary compliance program. See the National Council’s website materials on this topic.
Here is the text of the IRS announcement about the voluntary compliance program (from the IRS’s EO Update circulated on October 4):
“The IRS has launched a new program that will enable many employers, including tax-exempt employers, to resolve past worker classification issues and come back into compliance by making a minimal payment covering past payroll tax obligations rather than waiting for an IRS audit. To be eligible for the new Voluntary Classification Settlement Program an applicant must:
Consistently have treated the workers as nonemployees in the past
Filed all required Forms 1099 for the workers for the previous three years
Not currently be under audit by the IRS, Department of Labor or a state agency concerning the classification of these workers.
Full details, including FAQs, will be available on the Employment Tax Pages of and in Announcement 2011-64.”
Friday, September 30, 2011
Community Foundation Awards $302,495 in Community Grants
Child Care Solutions received $8,410 to create a business plan for its education and training services offered to child care professionals.
Chittenango Central School received $4,285 to purchase and implement Caring School Community, a character education curriculum at Bridgeport Elementary. The program will teach empathy, respect and personal responsibility to children in grades K-5.
CNY Works received $25,000 to partner with Syracuse Cooperative Federal Credit Union to bring financial capability training and counseling to low-income and under-employed workers. The program will teach money management concepts and planning for the future with the goal of achieving financial stability.
County North Children’s Center received $29,000 to enhance quality of care for young children through implementation of the Pyramid Model for early childhood development. Trainings will provide families, teachers and therapists with techniques that promote developmentally and culturally appropriate expectations, inclusive practices and support for challenging behaviors.
Friends of CanTeen received $34,000 to complete renovations to CanTeen’s new permanent home in Cicero. The house serves as a safe, supervised place for young adults to go after school, encouraging them away from risky behaviors.
Friends of the Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park received $100,000 to enhance the Asian Elephant Preserve with a new elephant pool, signage and stadium seating for visitors.
Jim Marshall Farms Foundation received $5,000 to build a barn for equipment used to maintain the Farm, which offers therapy, exercise, workshops and support for individuals suffering from mental illness or physical disabilities.
Madison County Health Department received $7,800 to produce and distribute maps of Madison County trails to promote active lifestyles, tourism and local businesses.
Planned Parenthood - Rochester/Syracuse Region received $10,000 to implement security enhancements at its Syracuse Health Center location.
Southside Community Coalition received $30,000 to establish the South Side Food Cooperative on South Salina Street, in an area where affordable, healthy foods are hard to find.
Southside Innovation Center received $21,500 to implement the Women of Faith in Business program, which utilizes the faith-based organizations and networks that exist on the South Side of Syracuse to build entrepreneurship and business skills in area residents.
Spanish Action League received $27,500 to expand medical interpretation and translation services and cultural sensitively training within the mental health field.
The Central New York Community Foundation has served Central New York for over 80 years, receiving, managing and distributing charitable funds for the benefit of nonprofit organizations. Grants are awarded for programs in the areas of human services, arts and culture, education, environment, health, economic development and civic affairs. The region’s largest endowed philanthropic foundation, the Central New York Community Foundation awards more than $5 million in grants to nonprofit organizations annually. The Community Foundation, of 431 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202, can be reached at (315) 422-9538 or
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
High Peaks Resort offers opportunity for non-profits to raise money
High Peaks Resort Announces ‘Spring For Hope’
- Unprecedented Assistance for Non-Profit Organizations -
LAKE PLACID (Sept. 6, 2011) – High Peaks Resort in Lake Placid is seeking applications for its Spring For Hope℠ initiative, an opportunity for non-profit organizations to be awarded free use of meeting space, accommodations, and more at the beautiful Adirondacks resort.
This unprecedented opportunity will allow two non-profit organizations to each receive free use of the entire resort for three days during April 8 to 18, 2012. Included are two nights’ accommodations (up to 133 rooms), free meeting space (up to 10,000 square feet), free audiovisual and support services, and 50 percent off all related catering. The application deadline is midnight, October 15, 2011, and winners will be announced in mid-November.
“In these difficult times, it is important to give back to our community. By helping those who help others year round, we felt we could have the greatest impact,“ said Bill DeForrest, CEO and President of Lane Hospitality, owner of High Peaks Resort.
“The quality of life in our community is directly impacted by our active non-profits. ‘Spring for Hope’ isn’t just a way to recognize them, but by providing High Peaks Resort free of charge, we can add our support and hopefully increase the good they do,” added Truett Martin, Vice President of Operations and acting General Manager of High Peaks Resort.
“This is an outstanding opportunity for the winning organizations to do whatever they want with our gift – from holding a fundraiser, offering a thank you trip to staff and volunteers, to planning an annual meeting, seminar or retreat,” Martin said.
Spring For Hope is open to all 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations actively engaged in fundraising for their organization. Participants will be judged by a panel of community leaders on their success and impact in benefiting the communities they serve.
High Peaks Resort offers the Adirondacks’ newest and most business-focused conference facilities with expansive meeting space and the latest in conference-support technology. Located in the heart of Lake Placid, overlooking Mirror Lake and steps from historic Main Street, the entire resort will be made available to the winning non-profits.
Eligible non-profits can apply for consideration by visiting and completing the application and other requirements. For submissions, questions or other inquiries, email the application and paperwork tolfitzgerald@highpeaksresort.
About The High Peaks Resort
High Peaks Resort overlooks Mirror Lake while anchoring Lake Placid’s Main Street for an outstanding mountain getaway experience. Surrounded by the six-million-acre Adirondack wilderness park with thousands of miles of trails for hiking and biking, and hundreds of lakes for fishing, High Peak’s 133 beautiful accommodations offer direct waterfront access. Restaurants include the world-famous Dancing Bears and Outdoors at Dancing Bears - with unsurpassed views of the surrounding mountains and Mirror Lake. Other amenities include PR’s intimate lobby bar; two indoor and two outdoor swimming pools; expanded fitness center; Aveda Spa & Salon, and complimentary waterfront activities. Guestrooms feature breathtaking views, patios or balconies; European-style bathrooms with natural stone tiling and rainfall showerheads; high-quality bedding and linens; refrigerators; flat screen televisions with cable and movies; complimentary Wi-Fi, and multi-function music systems with MP3 players. For reservations, visit or call 518-523-4411, toll-free800-755-5598.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Kauffman Series at Le Moyne College Fall, 2011 Seminars for Not for Profit Leadership
The mention of the need for collaboration can generate a wide range of responses from complete dread to wild expectations, often depending on where we stand when the idea emerges. Real collaboration, however, has become a necessary mode of operation in most effective corporate ventures. In this workshop we will look at examples of corporate collaboration between partners and even between competitors and engage in a conversation about both the potential benefits and threats from collaboration among non-profits and between corporations and non-profits. To motivate our creative energies, the workshop will begin with a fun business simulation exercise.
This session will be of particular value to those in strategic roles within the organization.
Ron Wright, PhD is the Michael Madden Professor of Business at Le Moyne College.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 8:00 – 11:30 (8:00 Breakfast, 8:30 program)
Location: The Reilly Room, Le Moyne College
Skills for Difficult Conversations
What is a hard or difficult conversation? Examples are fairly endless, and include asking a boss for a raise, giving feedback to someone about poor work performance or a work-place behavior that needs changing, or confronting a family member over a sensitive issue. Drawing upon several disciplines and models, David McCallum, S.J. will lead us through an approach for gaining greater insight into ourselves, understanding others and developing effective strategies for difficult conversations. David will present a framework for “Inquiry” which looks at interpretations, feelings, facts, intentions, differences, defensiveness and resistances. He will also present a communication practice that can create greater mutuality, effectiveness, and even transformation through conversation. The intention of this brief yet high impact workshop is to offer practices and skills that can help us grow in our capacity for the difficult conversations in work and life.
David McCallum S.J. is an assistant professor of Leadership and Management and the Director of Mission and Identity at Le Moyne College.
Friday, October 28, 2011, 9:00 – 12:00* (9:00 Breakfast, 9:30 Program)
*Please note that this session starts one hour later than our “usual” time!
Espresso and Herbal Tea
This session is based on the simple idea that there is something particularly urgent about this point in human history. Recent events suggest that an increasingly turbulent "white water" of managerial life requires strategies that balance both decisive action and quiet reflection.
Renée Downey Hart and Dan Orne invite you to explore your options. Managers must deliberately avoid the thoughtless alternatives of "action-without-reflection” (a diet of espresso only) and "reflection-without action" (a diet of herbal tea only) and embrace a life filled with "reflection-in-and-on-action" (a balanced diet of espresso and herbal tea.) We hope to identify and build sustainable life habits that are the foundation of a healthy balance between action and reflection.
Dan Orne, PhD is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at Le Moyne College.
Renée Downey Hart, PhD is a visiting Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Le Moyne College.
December, 2011 (final date to be announced!)
All sessions will be held at Le Moyne College.
• Directions, parking information and locations will be sent with your confirmation the week before the event.
• Continental breakfast will be served
• Fees: $15 per person, per session, payable at the door.
• Checks may be made payable to Le Moyne College.
To register for these events, please send an email with your name, organization and phone number to Renée Downey Hart,
Questions? More information? Renée Downey Hart, 315.445.4485;
Sunday, September 11, 2011
40 Below Update
40 Below Speed Networking!
Wednesday, September 21st, from 5:30pm-7:30pm
Hotel Skyler (601 S. Crouse Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210)
Join us for this BRAND NEW event! Speed Networking will occur every other month at different locations in the Syracuse area. Come mingle with your fellow 40 Belowers and other community members-- you never know who you might meet!
Syracuse University Local Internship Fair!
Wednesday, September 21st, from 11:00pm-2:00pm
Tents on the SU quad (Syracuse University)
Earlier that day, 40 Below will have a table at the fair to recruit new members and show the community how to get involved with our organization!
40 Below New Year's Eve Party!
Saturday, December 31st
Time and Location TBD
That's right, come celebrate the new year-- 40 Below style! We're still sorting out the logistics, but what better way to spend the end of a successful year than with 40 Below?! More details to follow.
Task Force Meetings
Public Arts Task Force (PATF): First Thursday of every month at 5:30pm, Everson Museum
"It's All Here!" Marketing and Communications Force: Third Thursday of every month at 5:30pm, various locations
Civic Engagement Task Force: First Monday of every month at 5:30pm, various locations
If you'd like to get involved with any of our task forces, please e-mail Andrea Bianchi at for more information.
Outgoing Leaders
Lastly, we'd like to wish a warm farewell to Elizabeth Ruscitto. Thank you for all your hard work and best of luck to you!
Employment Summit Survey
The 1st Annual Onondaga Employment Summit is asking for your input in planning sessions for the conference. This conference is unique in that it is intended to be a kick off for future discussions and planning in the community around increasing employment for underserved populations, including people in poverty and people with disabilities. The summit is scheduled for November 10th, 2011 at the Crowne Plaza in Syracuse NY. Thank you for your input and participation. Save the Date!
Scott Ebner
Mental Health Vocational Coordinator
Associate Executive Director
Onondaga Case Management Services Inc.
ph. 315-472-7363
fax 315-472-0084
WSJ Article on Governor's Charity Compensation Probe
Two weeks ago, a state task force named by Mr. Cuomo began asking nonprofits to submit detailed information to the Cuomo administration about their executive pay levels and compensation policies. The task force said it is collecting information on a rolling basis from all nonprofits that receive funding from the state.
But one nonprofit that had not received a request by Wednesday is HELP USA, a homeless housing group founded by Mr. Cuomo in the 1980s. The governor's sister, Maria Cuomo Cole, is the group's chairperson, and its board of directors includes Mr. Cuomo's campaign treasurer Richard Sirota and Jeffrey Sachs, one of his closest health-care advisers, according to HELP's website.
HELP operates homeless shelters and develops low-income housing around the nation and gets most of its $71 million budget from federal, state and city contracts and grants, according to its tax filings.
The nonprofit paid its chief executive, Laurence Belinsky, $546,000 in 2008—including a $157,000 bonus—and $508,000 in 2009, according to IRS filings. His salary is more than 40% higher than the median salary of chief executives of nonprofits based in the Northeast with operating budgets of more than $13 million, according to Charity Navigator, a prominent charity database.
Mr. Belinsky couldn't be reached for comment.
Another powerful group that hasn't received a letter is the Greater New York Hospital Association, which represents many Medicaid-dependent hospitals in the city region and pays its chief executive $2 million a year, according to tax filings.
After a reporter inquired about the status of data requests to HELP and the hospital association, a state official said on Thursday that the task force had mailed letters to the groups.
Meanwhile, one of the first groups to get the request was the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, a social service group run by William Rapfogel, the husband of the chief of staff to Democratic Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver. Mr. Rapfogel received a $435,000 pay package in 2009, tax filings show.
A spokesman for the taskforce said all nonprofits that receive government money would eventually receive a request for information.
"There are thousands of not-for-profits that we are looking at, so we are sending the letters in waves on a rolling basis," said the spokesman.
Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause, which advocates for transparent government, said the governor's investigation would be successful only if all charities are treated equally.
"You need an objective standard by which to judge what is or is not excessive compensation. Where are we headed with this?" Ms. Lerner said.
Jeff Stonecash, a Syracuse University political science professor, said Mr. Cuomo's probe was treading on politically sensitive ground. "There are some pitfalls here, but there's a lot of gain if he can get the right headlines," he said.
Josh Vlasto, a spokesman for Mr. Cuomo, said the investigation would be fair.
"Politics never got in the way of investigations before, and it won't now. If you think otherwise, just ask Pedro Espada," Mr. Vlasto said, referring to the former Democratic Bronx state senator whom Mr. Cuomo investigated while attorney general.
Mr. Cuomo's investigative foray into state-subsidized charities has been the object of much interest and anxiety around the nonprofit world. The governor has promised a wide-ranging review, an undertaking that could be handled by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, whose office regulates charities.
The governor has been praised for drawing more attention to nonprofit executive pay as it has stretched deeper into six and seven figures. But, depending on how Mr. Cuomo navigates those loyalties and rivalries within the nonprofit world, the task force also carries political risk.
"I can't see that he isn't smart enough or ethical enough to see that it would be problematic to target only organizations with whom he has no connection," said Assemblywoman Deborah Glick, a Lower Manhattan Democrat who introduced a bill this year to limit compensation for hospital executives.
Mr. Cuomo assembled the task force in early August in the wake of a New York Times article that scrutinized the executive compensation of a Medicaid-financed nonprofit group that reportedly paid two of its top executives close to $1 million a year. He put two of his most trusted aides on the task force, Financial Services superintendent Benjamin Lawsky and State Inspector General Ellen Biben.
But the inquiry's goal hasn't been defined. The task force may hold hearings and issue a report, leading to potential regulatory changes and legislation.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
comm.UNITY will be holding two forums on Tuesday September 6th from 5:00-6:30 PM and Wednesday September 7th from 9:00-10:30 AM
Tuesday, September 6 5 - 6:30 pm
or Wednesday, September 7 9 - 10:30 am
Gifford Community Room, United Way, 518 James Street
Please RSVP by Friday, September 2 to
We understand that with constant changes in technology and the demands of running a nonprofit on a limited budget in a tough economy, it’s hard to keep up. That’s why we’re here to help.
comm.UNITY is Syracuse University’s student-run organization of over 50 dedicated members with different communication specialties. Our mission is to help local nonprofits create and implement sustainable communications plans. Websites, brochures, promotional videos, newsletters, fundraising posters- our team can pretty much do it all!
It is our pleasure to invite you to our 4th annual comm.UNITY forum to find out how we can help you overcome your unique communication challenges and charge ahead with your nonprofit’s mission.
visit us at
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Community Foundation Expanding Nonprofit Executive Sabbatical Program

August 30, 2011 – The Central New York Community Foundation has enhanced the offerings available to those who apply for the John F. Marsellus Sabbatical. The Sabbatical program, which traditionally awards grants exclusively toward four-week sabbaticals for nonprofit executive directors and senior management staff in Onondaga and Madison Counties, is now offering an abridged two-week program as well.
The new two-week sabbatical offering was introduced as a result of responses received when nonprofit executives were surveyed on their preferences for a sabbatical program. The four- and two- week options both allow time for personal reflection and professional development.
The Central New York Community Foundation invites executive directors and senior management staff of nonprofit organizations in Onondaga and Madison counties to apply for either a four- or two-week sabbatical by October 31, 2011. Applicants must have served in a senior management position of a nonprofit organization in Onondaga or Madison counties for at least five consecutive years and have the approval of the board of directors of their agency. The application guidelines can be viewed on the Community Foundation’s web site at or may be obtained by calling the Community Foundation at (315) 422-9538.
This annual grant was established in 2000 in memory of John F. Marsellus, who wished to enhance the leadership capacity of nonprofit executives in Central New York by underwriting a month-long opportunity for personal and professional reflection and development.
The Central New York Community Foundation has served Central New York for over 80 years, receiving, managing and distributing charitable funds for the benefit of nonprofit organizations. Grants are awarded for programs in the areas of human services, arts and culture, education, environment, health, economic development and civic affairs. The region’s largest endowed philanthropic foundation, the Central New York Community Foundation awards more than $5 million in grants to nonprofit organizations annually. The Community Foundation, of 431 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202, can be reached at (315) 422-9538 or
FREE Sessions: Basic Accounting for Nonprofits
SCORE: Basic Accounting for Nonprofits
This basic accounting workshop facillitated by Syracuse SCORE is designed specifically for nonprofit organizations.Three two-hour sessions will cover accounting basics and will teach you how to manage the numbers. Attendees should plan on taking part in all three sessions. Due to limited space, we ask that only one representative from each organization attend (perhaps an individual with finance-related responsibilities within your organization or a board member). Click the button below to register!
Sessions will include:
An Overview of Basic Accounting: What is it? How does it work? Including definitions of terms and a simplified approach.
The Basics of Successful Accounting: How to make accounting work for your organization.
An Overview and Review of Financial Statements: Learn how and why common accounting reports exist, and how to use them to better understand your organization.
Tuesday September 27th, 8:00- 10:00 AM
Tuesday October 4th, 8:00- 10:00 AM
Tuesday October 11th, 8:00- 10:00 AM
Monday, August 22, 2011
Attachment Seminar 9/30-10/1
Lark Eshleman, Ph.D.
Enhanching Attachments: Parent and Professional Skill-Building for Healthier Children and Families
Register by 9/15 to receive complimentary, signed copy of Dr. Eshleman’s book, "Becoming a Family: Promoting Healthy Attachments with Your Adopted Child"
On-line registration at
** Continuing Education Credits will be available at the seminars**
Friday - September 30
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 10:30 Current brain-based research on attachment and trauma, sensory dysfunction and other “interrupted” developmental processes
10:45 – 12:00 Matching practice and neurological understandings: Narrative, Theraplay, EEG Biofeedback, EMDR, in the STAT™ model
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00 – 2:30: Resistant behaviors and how to work therapeutically for best results
2:45 – 4:00: Practical ways for parenting and therapy to complement each other; Working with schools and other professionals to support healing
4:00 – 4:30 Q & A
Saturday - October 1
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 10:30 What is attachment insecurity, attachment disorder, and does my child experience either?
10:45 – 12:00 Why does “traditional parenting” not work, and what to do instead
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00 – 2:30 Hands-on approaches to parenting, let’s try it!
2:45 – 4:00 I am not alone! Working with mental health, school, and other professionals to become a healthy team
4:00 – 4:30 Q & A
Michael Gilbert, Psy.D.
It's About Childhood & Family, Inc.
Syracuse's 40 Below revamps its organizational structure
The changes include 11 new steering committee members and two additional paid staff members, whose salaries are being paid from a grant through CNY Works, a local nonprofit that receives federal funding, according to Ben Sio, manager of 40 Below.
“It is a reorganization in terms of staff and leadership,” Sio said. “We have it all almost completely in place. We just need a treasurer.”
The two new full-time staff members were hired to “develop new ventures to serve the young demographic professional,” according to 40 Below. They are Ashley Aurilio, who recently graduated from SUNY Cortland, who was named marketing and communications assistant, and Andrea Bianchi, a recent graduate of Binghamton University, who was named task force liaison.
The 40 Below steering committee also recently elected Stephanie Crockett as the new chairwoman. Crockett is a management supervisor at Eric Mower and Associates.
Sio said the leadership of 40 Below, which promotes Central New York as a place to live and work and has 2,500 members, has been planning the reorganization since March.
Several openings were created on the steering committee as people left the group and one-year terms expired, said Sio. The group decided to replace most of the steering committee before fall.
“We felt we should use this time to reorganize, get some new energy and new blood,” said Sio. “We realized at that time the organization needed to refresh itself to do as much as it can for 40 Below.”
The organization promotes civic engagement, public arts and regional marketing.
“We’ve always prided ourselves on having a tangible impact on the community,” said Sio.
The new steering committee members of 40 Below include:
• Brian Balash, a sales agent at Pyramid Brokerage Co. Inc.
• Brenda Cannizzaro, marketing support coordinator for Foundation for Upstate Medical University.
• Micha Crook, registration assistant for the Syracuse Convention and Visitors Bureau and co-founder of Monthly Adventures Productions.
• Lauren Crossett, a financial services professional at Central New York Agency LLC.
• Ryan Goodfellow, a leasing and sales representative at JF Real Estate.
• Aaron Gould, a student at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.
• Ashlyn Maguire, a licensed commercial property and casualty broker at First Niagara Risk Management.
• Steven Marshall, a lawyer with Harris Beach.
• Todd Pinsky, a lawyer with Pinsky & Skandalis.
• Madison Quinn, program coordinator for Onondaga County’s Save the Rain Program.
• Ronald Tascarella, an associate relationship manager and banking officer at M&T Bank.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
What is your vision of Central New York’s future?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
from 6 to 8 pm at Le Moyne College
Campus Center
Syracuse, New York
All are invited for open discussion of the draft vision statement posted at:
This vision is derived from the five counties in the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council: Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego counties. Copies will also be available at the event.
The event is hosted by the Le Moyne College Office of the President in partnership with the
CNY Regional Economic Development Council. For directions and/or more information,
please call 315-445-4255.
Central New York Regional Economic
Development Council
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Reminder-- Meet the Foundations September 8th
Reminder! If you haven't yet attended
Meet the Foundations 2011...
Our final session of the year will be taking place on September 8th, 2011.
Join the Gifford Foundation, Community Health Foundation of Central and Western New York, John Ben Snow Foundation and Central New York Community Foundation on September 8th, 2011 from 8:00 to 10:30 AM to discuss foundation funding and priorities in a facilitated, interactive format. Please note that:
The content of this session will be similar to previous sessions, so there is no need to attend more than once. Due to limited space, a maximum of two representatives from each organization should attend.
Attendees will:
Learn more about each of the featured funders
Acquire a better understanding of each funders’ strategic approach to grantmaking
Network with others in the local nonprofit community
Continental breakfast will be provided.
Central New York Philanthropy Center
431 East Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
There is limited parking available in the Philanthropy Center parking lot.
There is street parking on East Fayette, East Washington and Genesee Streets.
A Murbro surface lot is located within a block of the building; you may enter on East Washington Street, next to Jazz Central. A covered parking garage is located at 300 East Fayette Street.
Please DO NOT park in the lot in front of Joseph’s at the Carriage House (adjacent to the Philanthropy Center).
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Governor Orders Review of Executive Compensation at Nonprofits
Albany, NY (August 3, 2011) Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that he has created a new task force to investigate the executive and administrator compensation levels at not-for-profits that receive taxpayer support from the state. The task force will be led by the New York State Inspector General Ellen Biben, Secretary of State Cesar A. Perales, the Medicaid Inspector General Jim Cox, and the Superintendent of the Department of Financial Services Benjamin Lawsky.
"Not-for-profits that provide services to the poor and the needy have a special obligation to the taxpayers that support them. Executives at these not-for-profits should be using the taxpayer dollars they receive to help New Yorkers, not to line their own pockets. This task force will do a top-to-bottom review, not only to audit current compensation levels, but also to make recommendations for future rules to ensure taxpayer dollars are used to serve and support the people of this state, not pay for excessive salaries and compensation," Governor Cuomo said.
Governor Cuomo continued, "There is a whole range of compensation levels and extremes that have existed for too long and must be reviewed. The use of taxpayer dollars must be scrutinized at every level."
The Governor's task force will determine the protocol and scope of the investigation in order to target the audit to focus on ensuring that state taxpayer dollars meant to help and protect New Yorkers, particularly the poor and indigent, are going to that purpose and are not being diverted to compensation. It will also provide recommendations for State agency policies and procedures that will ensure that taxpayer dollars are not being diverted to excessive compensation.
Commissioners from the Department of Health, the Office of Mental Health, and OPWDD will also serve on the task force.
The Governor's action follows reports of startlingly excessive salaries and compensation packages for executives at not-for-profits that depended on state Medicaid funding through the Office of People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) and other State agencies.
The State's Medicaid Inspector General has the authority necessary to exclude providers from participation in the Medicaid program if it is found that they have engaged in fraudulent or abusive practices.
There are currently no state rules governing executive and administrative compensation for not-for-profits that receive state support.
According to the Department of the Budget's January 2010 preliminary analysis of not-for-profit employees contracting with the mental hygiene agencies (Office of People With Developmental Disabilities, Office of Mental Health, and Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services), there were approximately 1,926 employees with annual salaries greater than or equal to $100,000. The total value of their salaries was $324.6 million, with an average salary of $168,555.
NYCON Statement on Governor's
Review of Executive Compensation:
"NYCON supports IRS and state enforcement efforts to root out those relatively few and often large institutional nonprofits, especially in health care and higher education, where charitable resources are used for the private and personal gain of executives. Such abuses are a stain on the sector and the Governor is right, public trust is integral to the mission and work of our state's charities. The Internal Revenue Service already provides compensation guidelines as set forth in the federal tax code and we believe those guidelines should be upheld.
It needs to be emphasized, however, that these cases are very much the exception.
The vast majority of community-based nonprofit employees are doing hard and challenging work at compensation levels that are far below public employees and often the for-profit sector. It should also be noted that the phrase "taxpayer supported nonprofits" is misleading as the state government contracts to buy services from nonprofits, just as it contracts with the for-profit sector; except the nonprofit is often expected to unfairly perform at below the actual cost of doing business. Perhaps it is also time to order an extensive review of the executive compensation levels of "taxpayer supported for-profit businesses."
NYCON asks the Governor to take this opportunity to go beyond the immediate executive compensation issue and take a comprehensive look at how the state's overall regulatory and business relationship with the nonprofit sector can be improved in the interest of all concerned."
Doug Sauer, CEO, New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc.
1-800-515-5012, ext 103
Assemblyman William B. Magnarelli’s CNY Volunteer Fair
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Carousel Center
Dear Sir or Madam,
In today’s economic times, the community needs volunteers more than ever. I am organizing a Volunteer Fair to be held from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, September 20 at Carousel Center.
Organizations in need of volunteers are invited to host a table at the event. Please pass this information to other Central New York agencies interested in attracting volunteers.
Only the first 50 organizations to respond will be able to host a table. Last year we had an overwhelming response and a limited number of tables available. All entrants must be approved for participation.
The information can be emailed to or faxed to (315) 428-1279. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at (315) 428-9651
William B. Magnarelli
Member, NYS Assembly
120th District
Organization Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Name of person(s) representing company at Volunteer Fair:__________________________________________
Phone number:____________________________________Fax number:_______________________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________________________________________
Description of business and volunteer opportunities________________________________________________
Do you need an electrical outlet? Yes No (circle answer)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Call for Nominations for Special CPA Board Member Award
Sponsored by the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA)
Submission Accepted through August 22nd, 2011
In recognition of the important role, talents and leadership that a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in New York State can provide as a board member for community-based charities, NYCON and NYSSCPA are pleased to announce the 8th Annual Michael H. Urbach, CPA, Community Builders Award.
The award is named in honor of the late Michael H. Urbach, CPA, former partner of Urbach, Kahn and Werlin, former NYS Commissioner of Tax and Finance and Chair of the State Employees federated Appeal, and board leader of a number of charities.
Award Criteria & Submission
Candidates must:
- Be a CPA in good standing and a member of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants;
- Have served as an Officer on at least 3 different charitable 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofits with service as President/Chair at least once;
- Have demonstrated exemplary board leadership resulting in significant and positive organizational impact including, but not limited to, financial turn-around, growth, and/or organizational re-structuring; and
- Preference will be given to nominees whose board leadership accomplishments have been with community-based charities.
Deadline - August 22, 2011
Nominations addressing the candidate's qualifications must be received by August 22nd. Nominators are strongly encouraged to address the candidate's qualifications related to the four (4) criteria's mentioned above and to include at least three (3) letters of support from the charities who have benefited from the candidate's volunteer leadership.
Send seven (7) packets of nomination materials to:
Urbach Community Builders Award Committee
New York Council of Nonprofits
272 Broadway
Albany NY 12204
or email the packet to Melissa Currado, Executive Assistant to the CEO at
Announcement & Presentation
The 2011 award will be formally presented at the Annual Member Meeting of NYCON slated for the afternoon of October 6th at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York.
The Luncheon will take place during CAMP FINANCE, a two-day retreat that provides the very best in knowledge, skill and strategy sessions for your staff and volunteer leaders.
In honor of the late Harold Mandel, a certified public accountant who worked for Urbach, Kahn & Werlin in Albany, NY and retired in West Palm Beach, FL, the 2011 Urbach Honoree has the privilege to award one (1) nonprofit executive of their choice a Camp Finance scholarship in Hal's name. In 2009, Mr. Mandel's family accepted a posthumous Michael H. Urbach, CPA Community Builders Award in his tribute.
Past Urbach Award Honorees
Edward S. Mucenski, CPA of Potsdam
Lewis "Lew" Kramer, CPA of Chappaqua
Mel Zachter, CPA of Staten Island
Eugene H. Fleishman, CPA of Poughkeepsie
Craig Sickler, CPA from Kingston
Paul Battaglia, CPA from Batavia
For More Information
visit NYCON at or contact Melissa Currado at (800) 515-5012 or
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
New Employee Fee Related To Unemployment Insurance Will Impact Nonprofits
Find Out if the Unemployment Savings Program for NYCON Members through First Nonprofits Companies can Save You Money.
Why pay a tax if you don’t have to? Many NYCON Members have switched from paying the state unemployment tax rates to First Nonprofit Unemployment Savings Program saving up to 60% of their unemployment costs annually. Find out if you can too. Take NYCON's FREE upcoming Beneft Spotlight: Unemployment Savings Program on August 23rd from 10 am to 11am. REGISTER HERE
A Big Bill for Employers
The Albany Times Union reported that Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday rolled out a sweeping plan to help revitalize the state's economy, complete with an ad campaign and competitive grant program designed to spark innovation.
But businesses have a more immediate concern: The bill is coming due for New York's unemployment insurance.
Citing the need to borrow more than $3 billion from the federal government to prop up its chronically empty account, the state faces a whopping $95 million interest payment on loans for the fund due Sept. 30.
As a result, the state Department of Labor is assessing businesses up to $21.25 per employee to cover the cost. That payment is due Aug. 15.
Complaints about what businesses describe as a hidden tax were rolling in Tuesday after numerous employers received the notices and as Cuomo expounded on his plans for the economy.
"This is something that could -- depending on the number of employees -- be a pretty hefty cost in this economy," said Mike Durant, New York state director for the National Federation of Independent Businesses.
When asked about the surcharge during a news conference outlining his revitalization plans, Cuomo stressed that the bill for interest is ultimately coming from Washington, D.C.
"It's a federal decision whether or not they'll waive the interest payments. I hope that they do," he said, adding that his office was pushing the state's congressional delegation on the issue.
The hefty tab illustrates what can happen as the federal stimulus program, enacted shortly after the recession started in 2008, runs out.
The Department of Labor noted that the stimulus program provided no-interest loans to the states in 2009 and 2010, but not this year.
Read more:
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Schneiderman Appoints Head Of Central New York Community Foundation To Team Charged With Improving Regulations & Reducing Burden
SYRACUSE – Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced the appointment of Peter Dunn, the President and CEO of the Central New York Community Foundation in Syracuse, to serve on his Leadership Committee for Nonprofit Revitalization. Mr. Dunn is one of 29 leaders the Attorney General has charged with providing recommendations to improve nonprofit regulation and enforcement in New York.
"I am pleased Peter will serve with his colleagues across the state to reform the rules of the road so the nonprofit sector can thrive,” Attorney General Schneiderman said. “Nonprofits provide critical services to their communities and as the second largest employment sector in the state, their success is crucial to our economy. We can be tough on policing fraud without imposing needless burdens and costs on this vital sector, and the Leadership Committee is a central part of achieving those goals.”
The Attorney General oversees nonprofits operating in New York State, and Schneiderman has made the improvement of nonprofit regulation a priority for his office. Earlier this year, he announced he would convene a group of leaders from New York’s nonprofit, business and labor communities to help eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy that has long plagued nonprofits, such as redundant audits and overlapping reporting requirements, and delays in processing and payment of contracts. The nonprofit sector is the second largest employment sector in the state, providing work for between 17 and 18 percent of New York's labor force.
“The Attorney General’s initiative is a much-needed step in the direction of modernizing nonprofit regulation in New York,” Peter Dunn said. “I am honored to be a part of the Leadership Committee, and look forward to working with Attorney General Schneiderman and my colleagues to provide nonprofits with the tools they need to thrive.”
Peter Dunn has served since June 2008 as the President and CEO of the Central New York Community Foundation. With more than $120 million in assets and more than 500 individual charitable funds under administration, the Community Foundation is a leader in promoting philanthropy for the benefit of Central New York communities and distributed more than $5 million in grants in its most recent fiscal year.
Mr. Dunn is currently a member of the Council on Foundations Legal and Regulatory Action Team for Community Foundations, secretary of the Cathedral Square Development Corporation, a member of the Onondaga County Bar Association Finance Committee and a board member of Syracuse 20/20 and the Near Westside Initiative in Syracuse. He is also a board member of the Grantmakers Forum of New York, a regional association of foundations.
The Leadership Committee’s activities will focus on the following:
Making recommendations on how to reduce regulatory burdens and more effectively address regulatory concerns;
Developing legislative proposals to modernize New York's nonprofit laws that would eliminate outdated requirements and unnecessary burdens; and
Proposing measures to enhance board governance and effectiveness, including through new programs to recruit and train nonprofit board members.